Kleine Einführung
° Die Rose eines Erdbebens ... ° Aktuelle Erdbebenkarte
° Die Rose eines Erdbebens ... Die (Sand-) Rose eines Erdbebens ... On February 28, 2001, a magnitude 6.8 earthquake, located
some thirty miles below the surface of the earth and a few miles away from
Olympia Washington, moved the ground for a bit more than half a minute. Damage
was surprisingly light, due, in part, to structural retrofitting throughout the
region, and also to the epicenter's depth. Here are some of the photos taken shortly after the ground stopped moving:
We've had several hundred positive comments from people from all corners of the
world about this unique peek at the effects of an earthquake. We were fortunate
to come through this one with as little damage and injury as we did, and we hope
you share our sense of awe at what beauty can come from even the destructive
forces of nature. Our hearts go out to those whose experience with earthquakes
has been far more painful than what we went through with this one. ° Aktuelle Erdbebenkarte
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